Two visual story tellers, individually known as Bruno Smoky and Shalak Attack, started their journey together as Clandestinos Art in 2010. Together they are dedicated to painting murals around the world by creating colourful narratives that unify both real and imaginary dimensions. Clandestinos manifest their creative expression through highly detailed and rendered compositions that combine landscapes, portraiture, and design elements.
Emerging as visual artists about a decade before they met, they had each developed their own unique artistic voice. Shalak was born and raised in Canada from Chilean immigrant parents, and Smoky was born on the coast and raised in the megacity Sao Paulo, Brazil. Once they started painting together they found it difficult to stay away from each other, in art and as life partners. With time they began to fuse their artwork to create unified pieces by balancing, adding, learning and growing from each others styles. Very shortly after they had met, they both left the cities they were living in (Montreal and Rio de Janeiro) and moved to Sao Paulo, where they were married and lived until 2013. Their work has since taken its own visual personality when they collaborate as Clandestinos.
This award winning duo has gained international recognition with their unique artistic approach, techniques, and distinct subject matter. They have had the honour of participating in several art and cultural projects in Canada, Brazil, Chile, Venezuela, Dominican Republic, Argentina, Senegal, Spain, Belgium, Israel, Palestine, Jordan, Sweden, USA, Paraguay, the UK, the Netherlands, and Germany. Some highlights in their artistic careers include collaborations with the United Nations (Street Art of Mankind), City of Toronto, City of Richmond Hill, Ontario Ministry of Transport, Ubisoft, the PanAm, Fifa World Cup Rio de Janeiro, Absolut Vodka, American Express, Adidas, Cirque du Soleil, Blue Jays, Algonquin College, Université de Montréal, Rolling Stones Magazine, PBR, Collective Arts Brew, Melbec, Miami’s Mayor Levine, Brook McIlroy, Brazil’s Globo TV, Hamburg Sud, O Boticario, Kelowna Hospital,Toronto Community Housing, Canadian Consulate in Sao Paulo, Amsterdam’s Street Art Museum “Street Art Today” andvdozens of important community and arts organizations around the globe. They have also participated in several international festivals including CRUSH (Denver 2016/17), Artscape (Sweden 2014/17), Biennale Graffiti Fine Art (Brazil 2013/15), Art Basel (Wynwood, Miami 2015/16/17), Wall to Wall (Winnipeg 2016), Meeting of Styles (Houston 2016, Montreal 2009), Biennale Paraguay (2015), Meeting of Favela (Rio de Janeiro 2011), Under pressure (Montreal 2009/13), ConceGraff (Chile 2011), 2M Graff (Senegal 2010), Can you Rock (Montreal 2010), Manifesto (Toronto 2010), and Muro Por la Paz (Chile 2009) to name a few.
There work has been published in books, magazines, newspapers, and have been interviewed in television news and radio, as well as received funding for
numerous art projects from federal, provincial and municipal grants.
The Clandestinos are currently based out of Toronto, Canada where they continue to work on their artistic projects locally and internationally. A third member was recently added to their clan; their magical daughter Violeta whom accompanies them on their creative adventures.